Thursday, January 19, 2012

Teenagers make the hospital fun

I'm going to keep it short tonight:) (at least I'm going to try)!  Today we had a revolving door of visitor's but the best thing for Bailey was 2 of the visitors were 2 of her favorite people of the teenage kind.  Her best friend, Maddie, came today around 12 and hung out most of the day.  The girls ate popcorn, texted, watched Justin Bieber, and giggled at facebook.  Then Bailey had a special visitor come tonight of the Jr. High boyfriend type.  I could type all kinds of things that would make everybody 30 and over giggle and say awwww BUT since most of Bailey's friends are reading this blog (including her and her friend that is a boy)  I will restrain myself.  She did get a very cute, new white teddy bear, though.  AWWWWWW!  Sorry, Bailey and Nick, I couldn't contain myself.  I also got to meet his parents which was a lot of fun:)  Good people!!
     The most important thing that we heard today was that Bailey is scheduled for a cath first thing in the morning.  The cath doctor really doesn't think they will find anything of major concern but prayers would be appreciated especially around 9:00 when they are scheduled to begin.  Bailey's spirits have been really good all day today except for a short time this evening when she started to feel a bit nauseated.  I really think that had more to do with having the busiest day she has had since we have been here.  She is in good spirits tonight and hasn't had an anxiety episode in over 24 hours.  God is hearing the outcry of prayers.  Our family continues to pray for each of you and we are humbled by your compassion. 
In Christ,


  1. Bailey, I saw Nick right before he left to see you and he was smiling from ear to ear! I am thinking and praying about you every day. Happy Friday pretty girl! Love, Mrs.Morrow

  2. Hahah thank you for including me in this blog post this time mrs. Gist. My parents and i laughed very hard, and i am so glad that i am talking to bailey right now (:
    Nick Stuart
