Sunday, January 29, 2012

Going Home and Dance Mom

     I apologize for the break in the blogs.  I last blogged on Thursday and Friday I went home with Maddie to go with her to her first dance competition.  So I have been without the laptop for the last several days. 
     Friday Bailey's INR was 2.1 so we were getting closer but we all projected Sunday or Monday before we were in therapeutic range.  It is funny how God works.  One of the things about working with doctors is that a lot of time they are very intimidating and often times you blindly trust them because they are so much more educated than you.  When Dustin and I had Bailey, I was 19 and he was 21.  We were barely old enough to take care of ourselves so whenever a doctor said something, we would have never thought to question it.  14 years later, some of that intimidation has worn off.  See, Dustin and I know something that none of these doctors know.  We know our daughter.  We know what is normal for her and we know what kind of kid she is.  Bailey is not one who likes the attention of the hospital.  She is not a kid who fakes things for attention and she is not a complainer.  You could ask any PE coach Bailey has ever had.  They will all tell you she never complains about what is asked of her and you will definitely never hear her use her heart as an excuse.  I say all that because in this last visit it felt like when the doctors didn't find what they would expect to cause Bailey's symptoms, they were quick to say Bailey's symptoms were more likely caused by stress.  We all agreed that once Bailey got in the hospital, she was under a great deal of stress but not before.  Anyways, I say all of this to get to the point that God really used this visit to show us to listen to Bailey and also to give Bailey the opportunity to gain her own voice.  Friday we got the opportunity to watch our girl turn into this well-spoken, brave young lady.  Bailey addressed a team of about 7 doctors at one time to tell them what she thought, what tests she wanted ran and to express to them that she knows they are very smart but only she really knows what it feels like to experience what is happening inside her own body.  And guess what?  They listened to her!!  This was important because it gave Bailey some control in her own health care which is so important in chronically ill teenagers.  They often feel like they have no control and all decisions are made without them. 
     So as many of you know by now, we got released on Saturday!!  Bailey's INR was 2.5 and the doctors said it was time to get out!!  It was a beautiful day to get out and we were home by 4 o'clock!!  We even had some visitors right as we were leaving that brightened Bailey's day even more!!  There is something about a group of 8th grade girls that make her day happier than any other visitor could provide:)

Getting on the elevator to go home!!
     I know this blog is about Bailey's heart, but I would like to give some attention to Maddie.  While I was at the hospital I met a mom of a 14 year old quadriplegic on a ventilator.  Her daughter was in a car accident when she was 3 and has needed around the clock care ever since.  We started by talking about our girls but our conversation quickly moved to our other children.  Often times when you have a chronically ill child, your other child gets pushed aside really out of necessity.  I know it must be done, but it is hard to explain and reason with your healthy child.  It was nice to talk with another mom who experiences the guilt that comes with this.  I am so blessed to have so many great people in my life who love Maddie and want to help with her, but it is hard not to worry about her feeling somewhat abandoned by her mom and dad.  Maddie has been a trooper, but I can't imagine what it is like to have your security pulled right out from underneath you for weeks at a time when your sister gets sick. 

     This weekend was Maddie's first dance competition.  She has been attending hours of practice every week since July preparing for competition and something she has been very excited about.  I heard from family members that Maddie was really worried that nobody would be able to come to her competition because they would need to be with Bailey.  She would never tell me and Dustin this, because she wouldn't want us to worry, but I knew this was a real fear for her.  This is why it was so important for me to leave the hospital on Friday to go support her.  She did fantastic and I was so proud.  I don't know how many of you have ever been involved with competitive dance teams but I had no idea what was in store for me this past weekend.  Maddie's 4-6 grade ensemble had to perform at 10:30 PM Friday night in Kingwood and then we had to be back at 8 AM the next morning.  They danced again at 10:40 AM and we did not finish the dance awards until 12:30AM.  I think we crawled in bed at 2:00 AM.  It was worth the wait!  Maddie's ensemble took 1st and 3rd place in their age group.  We even got to bring daddy and Bailey for some of the evening events and they got to see her get her awards.  All in all, it was an exhausting but blessing filled day.  Thanks for indulging me in Maddie some of the spotlight:)

This one was taken at 12:30ish.  This would be why she looks so tired!!
     So, I don't know that I will be blogging too much more unless something comes up.  I am planning for Bailey to go back to school on Thursday.  I have to take her back downtown over the next few days for clinic appointments, but I think we will all be glad to get back to a normal schedule.  Thank you again for all your thoughts and know that the Gist's are eternally thankful for you.
In Christ,

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Family Night

     Every time I sit  down to write this blog I always have a scripture that pops in my mind about the people who might be reading it.  It comes from Philippians chapter 1:

I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer
 of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel
 from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing,
that He who has begun a good work in you will
complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

     I feel so inept to express how gracious and completely humbled by the enormity of people who have prayed and cared for us.  We have been encouraged physically, emotionally, financially, spiritually and in many more ways I know I am not recalling right now.  Dustin the girls and I have without a doubt had the most difficult past year of our lives.  Satan has waged a full scale attack on our family.  I know that is not something a lot of people talk about but I am really trying to be less concerned with being comfortable and more concerned on letting God and his spirit move me.  Satan has attacked our marriage, our children, our financial security and basically has tried everything in his power to take our family.  No matter how big satan attacks, our God is bigger.  God has revived our marriage, provided a new job for Dustin that he loves, worked in Bailey's health, provided us with a church family that loves us and cares for us, financially taken care of us, provided us numerous angels in the friends we have to minister to us,  and most of all has given us new eyes to see how God is transforming us everyday.  We have had people reach out to us in complete sorrow with awful situations in their own life but yet still have taken the time to reach out to us.  I am so in awe of our Savior. 

     Last night, Dustin and Maddie came up after Maddie's dance practice to visit. My motherly instinct was very practical and thought this was not a good idea because Wednesday is Maddie's late night and they don't get done until 8:30. Then it took almost an hour to get down here which put them arriving at 9:30 on a school night. I'm glad I didn't protest too much because it was the first time in 2 weeks that all four of us have been together. It was so sweet to see the girls love on each other. We had Maddie tears when it was time to go (at 11 PM!!) but got her to go reluctantly with the promise of coming back tomorrow. She has been a champ when it comes to dealing with all this Chaos. I even took pictures for proof!!

     Here is the latest on our situation here at Texas Children's.  Bailey's INR is 1.9 today.  That is a bit disappointing but the Dr's have a plan to increase her coumadin dose.  The team of doctor's that are following us had a discussion with me this morning about the possibility of transferring Bailey to a place called Healthbridge.  It is supposed to be more relaxed atmosphere that is easier to navigate and where her coumadin can be followed.  I'm not sure at this moment what we are going to do but at this moment it seems like a lot of work to move facilities when she is pretty content here with all the activities Texas Children's has to offer.  I am waiting for the doctors to come by to get more information before we make the final decision. 

     We continue to spend time everyday catching up on homework, reading some good books a good friend brought us, watching Lost (of course:),  and taking walks around the hospital.  The transformation in Bailey's health over the last few weeks has been nothing short of a gift from our Heavenly Father.  Thank you for approaching his throne on our behalf.  You are in our prayers daily as well and will continue to be. 
In Christ,
Thank you David PTO for your sweet and humbling gifts!  Maddie couldn't wait to help me and Bailey open the cards!  I am so grateful to all of you:)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Moving Day and Freedom

     Sorry I didn't get to the blog yesterday:)  We got the opportunity to move rooms.  Bailey has been on the 7th floor which is a step up from ICU but more restrictive than a regular room.  They wouldn't let her move to a new room because she is receiving a medication called heparin through an IV.  Dustin and I talked with the doctors yesterday and discussed how much Bailey needed to be able to go to different floors so she could have the freedom to get out of her room some.  They gave Bailey the choice to take the heparin off but if she did that she would have to get two shots a day.  She said she would do the shots if it meant she could have a little more freedom:)  SO . . . we are now on the 15th floor which is the cardiac floor and she is wire free!  We have a humongous window with a much better view to see outside:)  We were able to take her to the cafeteria yesterday for a snack, we took her to the fourth floor to the outdoor garden and she spent 2 hours last night on the 16th floor playing bingo and being a d.j. on Radio Lollipop!  It was the best day we have had in 2 weeks.  She was even able to work on some homework. 
     On the medical side, she is really doing fantastic.  She said for the first time in 15 days yesterday that she had no pain.  The only thing keeping us here is the INR.  We need it to get to 2.5-3.5.  Saturday and Sunday it was 1.3 and Monday and Tuesday it was 1.5.  It is crawling!!  Once we get in a theraputic range we can take her home.  We have been here 15 days and Dustin had to leave last night to go back to work today.  This weekend is Maddie's first dance competition and we are all hoping to be there to support her.  Hopefully, we can get her out of here soon.  Thank you again for all the support and encouragement.  We are so humbled.
In Christ,

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sometimes it's fun to be a rule breaker;-)

     So yesterday we had a pretty good day.  I had a visit from one of my great friends through high school.  I practically lived at her house 9th-12th grade.  Julie Brashears and her two beautiful girls came to visit us in the hospital:)  I hadn't seen her in about 10 years!!  She was just as crazy and fun as she was back in high school.  It wasn't long after she got here that we decided to get into a little trouble (sorry mom, dad and Mr. and Mrs. Brashears) .  Julie had bought a brand new chihuahua puppy the day before and it just happened to be small enough to fit in my purse.  What 14 year old girl wouldn't what an adorable puppy to visit her in the hospital, right?  I am sure there is an argument for the validity of a pet's healing power!! So we brought the dog up in my purse and Bailey had about 2 hours of smiles while cuddling this adorable puppy!!
Bailey also had Nick come by and visit.  Unfortunately, she wasn't feeling great but still got to hang out a bit with him:) 
     I feel like Bailey is over the worst as far as medical issues but is really struggling with coming to grip with her illness.  We have been blessed with having several people in our life that know of ways to contact other teenagers with CHD (congenital heart defects).  We are actually talking about attending the It's My Heart 5k that is sponsored by TCH on February 18th.  It is supposed to be a lot of fun and an opportunity for Bailey to see thousands of people come out and support her cause.  I feel like Dustin and I have had 14 years to come to terms with Bailey's diagnosis but for Bailey it is like she is just learning about it.  The good news is we are in one of the best places in the world for a kiddo with a heart defect.
     Today was also a good day for me.  My sweet husband came up with the idea of letting me get out of the hospital to go surprise Maddie for lunch.  She was super excited when she saw me in the cafeteria and I had to fight back tears at her joy:)  I was also able to stop by Bailey's school and pick up some work for her as well as talk about the best way to tackle all the absences this year.  We ended our evening with a visit from old friends from when Dustin worked at Champions.  The Killoughs came to see us and Bailey was really happy to catch up with a friend, Elizabeth, who was her partner in crime since about the age of 6.  She just said, "I forgot how much I love talking to Elizabeth.  She makes me happy."  It doesn't get much better than that!!
     Hopefully, tomorrow I can talk about moving day.  Dustin and I are trying finagle our way off the 7th floor.  If we can get to a different floor then she might be able to go to the teen room, Radio Lollipop and maybe even outside.  We feel like these things might be a real help for the hospital blues.  Thanks again for all your words, prayers, cards, gifts and visits.  We are blessed:)
In Christ,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Lazy Saturdays:)

     Friday was one of the longest days ever!! I know I fell asleep around 9:30 and didn't wake up until 10:30 the next morning.  We spent the day in our pajamas and laid around and watched movies all day.  It was a quiet day with no visitors and we just relaxed.
Basically the problem in Bailey's heart boiled down to a small leak in a spot that was allowing the blue blood (unoxygenated) and the red blood (oxygenated) to mix.  This made her more vulnerable to clots that could then shoot up  to her brain.  We will continue to pray that this fix will get her back to her healthy self.  The last two days have really been a blessing with seeing her just back to her old self.  She is more relaxed and generally just happy.  Her oxygen saturations have improved and she just generally feels better.  She has also been anxiety attack free since Thursday!!
     So the next question is how much longer are we here.  Well that is a sticky question.  If you live close to us you know that the longest part of most of our hospital stays boil down to the coumadin.  Before we can go home, Bailey's blood has to be coagulated by a medicine called Coumadin.  She takes this everyday at home but when we go to the hospital they put her on an IV drug called heparin.  The reason for this is it works much faster and is easier to adjust.  Now we have to work on weaning her off the IV medicine to the oral medication.  This is measured by something called INR.  Bailey's INR has to be between 2.5-3.5.  This is a long process sometimes.  Right now her INR is 1.3 and we started back on the Coumadin  yesterday.  I am guessing we should be discharged by Wednesday or Thursday but we will see:)
     We had some happy visits today and a surprise for Bailey, but I will save that for tomorrow's blog post.  Thank you again for all your prayers.  It is amazing how many people are praying for us (even so many that don't even know us).  How do some people believe that God is not alive and working?  I know he has been in this hospital with us without fail.
In Christ,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cath day is here

     So . . . today is the big day we have all waited for.  Our day started around 6 and we are exhausted.  We had a huge group of supporters here today which included parents, grandparents, siblings, nieces and church friends.  Bailey went back to the cath lab about 7:30 and they began the procedure around 9.  Cath's usually last a couple of hours so I was expecting to be done by lunch.  Bailey, always the overachiever, was in the cath lab until about 4.  We had been prepared by most of the doctor's that they really didn't expect to find anything, so I thought we would be in and out.  When they got into Bailey's heart, they found something that they were not expecting. I am going to try to explain this the best way I know how:)
     When Bailey was 7 years old she had her biggest surgery.  The simplest way to explain Bailey's illness is that her heart formed in a way that the oxygenated blood mixed with the unoxygenated blood and so the blood with the oxygen wasn't getting to the parts of the body that needed it.  It is not good if these types of blood mix.  If you knew Bailey before she was 7, you probably remember her with a blue or purple tint to her skin.  After this big surgery when she was 7, they put something in her heart to prevent the blood in the heart from mixing.  This was called a Fontan device.  Basically they had to reroute her plumbing:)  When they went in today, they saw that there was a leak where the Fontan device had been placed all the years ago.  This leak can form clots which could cause an embolism or stroke.  The doctors said they couldn't say for certain if this is what has been causing all the trouble but it wasn't helping things either.  They called and told us they were going to try and repair it in the cath lab, but they weren't sure they could.  For any parents who have been through parenting a cardiac kid, you always get happy when something can be fixed in the cath lab.  It is much less invasive than surgery.  Dustin and I both tried to stay positive but it's hard not to get a little scared when they find something that needs to be repaired.  After 7 hours in the cath lab, they let us know that they were able to seal up the leak and Bailey was headed to recovery.  We just returned from recovery (7:50) and they are getting Bailey settled. 
     God is so good and we are so blessed by the outpouring of love by so many people.  Thank you so much for loving us and we continue to pray God's blessings for you and your family. 

P.S. If you need Dustin or I, I think we will be sleeping as much as possible tomorrow:)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Teenagers make the hospital fun

I'm going to keep it short tonight:) (at least I'm going to try)!  Today we had a revolving door of visitor's but the best thing for Bailey was 2 of the visitors were 2 of her favorite people of the teenage kind.  Her best friend, Maddie, came today around 12 and hung out most of the day.  The girls ate popcorn, texted, watched Justin Bieber, and giggled at facebook.  Then Bailey had a special visitor come tonight of the Jr. High boyfriend type.  I could type all kinds of things that would make everybody 30 and over giggle and say awwww BUT since most of Bailey's friends are reading this blog (including her and her friend that is a boy)  I will restrain myself.  She did get a very cute, new white teddy bear, though.  AWWWWWW!  Sorry, Bailey and Nick, I couldn't contain myself.  I also got to meet his parents which was a lot of fun:)  Good people!!
     The most important thing that we heard today was that Bailey is scheduled for a cath first thing in the morning.  The cath doctor really doesn't think they will find anything of major concern but prayers would be appreciated especially around 9:00 when they are scheduled to begin.  Bailey's spirits have been really good all day today except for a short time this evening when she started to feel a bit nauseated.  I really think that had more to do with having the busiest day she has had since we have been here.  She is in good spirits tonight and hasn't had an anxiety episode in over 24 hours.  God is hearing the outcry of prayers.  Our family continues to pray for each of you and we are humbled by your compassion. 
In Christ,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maddie and Ben

Last night we received a visit from our firecracker Maddie. Anyone who knows Maddie, knows she is not short on energy.  She came with some dear friends that Dustin and I describe as the grown up versions of Maddie.  You felt the energy in the room rise about 100 levels:)  Dustin and I were able to take Maddie out to dinner and Bailey spent some time with my friends watching them entertain her.  When we got back they had decorated the room with pictures of Justin Bieber, stickers and had written a new version of Beyonce's, "All the Single Ladies" in which they changed the lyrics to, "All the single doctors." Bailey also talked them through a new dance called "the Wobble."  Now you understand why we call them the grown up versions of Maddie.  It was a good break for Bailey but she was ready for some quiet time when they left:)  Dustin and Maddie stopped by the chapel in the hospital and later she took me down there to show me what she wrote on a card and attached to the prayer tree. 

It says:  Dear God, Please put you power on Bailey as she's struggling with her health right  now.  I am praying for her all the time.  So please heal her fast and soon.  The Gists

This morning we had a visit from a new friend from Grace Crossing.  Ben called us the other day and said that he really wanted to encourage us some way and he would really like to come down and sing some worship songs for us.  Bailey loves to sing and I have attached a short video of the song she requested Ben to sing. If you listen closely you can hear her sweet voice singing along.   It was a complete blessing not just for Bailey but for all of us:)

So I am having trouble loading the video here but I will work on it later:)

Okay.  Here is the medical update.  Bailey spoke to the Psychiatry team today.  It was really great to get some answers from them.  Their take on what she has been experiencing here is that Bailey has suppressed her fears for so long that her body is making her have a physical reaction to how scared she is.  They gave us some great advice on spending more time treating Bailey more like a part of the decision process and just educating her on her illness.  She has heard a lot of scary stories such as the recent teen phenomenon Ben Breedlove who died one week after posting a video to you tube about his battle with congenital heart disease.  They also talked about Bailey's feelings of being completely alone in her illness in that she doesn't know anyone else like her.  We are going to look for a support group for her to help her feel like she is not alone. 
Cardiac news is that everyone is on board for the cath and it looks like it will be Friday or early next week.  Please continue your prayers for Bailey and especially for her peace of mind during this deeply scary time. 
Love to you all,

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Answers- Sort of

      Today has been a rough day.  Bailey didn't sleep well last night and slept from around 1 AM to 6 AM.  She  woke up not feeling well but couldn't go back to sleep.  She fell back asleep around 9:30.  Some positives from today were around 1 o'clock we cuddled in her bed and ate microwavable popcorn while watching a romantic comedy together.
    Around 2:00 a psychologist came by and asked Dustin and I if we would let her and Bailey speak alone.  We were fine with that and Bailey's actual cardiologist came up to speak with us about his opinion on what should be done.  Some of the cardiologists have voiced some concerns on whether proceeding with a cath right now would be the best idea with Bailey's mental stability.  Her cardiologist really feels like it should be done and Dustin and I agree.  He said most of the team agreed with us as well and he would be leaving to go get it scheduled hopefully before the end of the week.  Since we still had time before the psychologist was done with Bailey, Dustin and I went for a walk.  I received a call from the nurse about 20 minutes later that we needed to return back to the room.  When we got there Bailey was unresponsive  and screaming.  She became so physical that they had to put padding around her bed so she wouldn't hurt herself.  It was like she was fighting against someone or something.  The doctors did not want to give her anything to calm her because they wanted the psychiatry team to come up and see what was happening.  After an hour of keeping her from hurting herself ( when I say this I mean pulling out her IV's or bumping her head) they heard the psychiatry team would still be another hour.  Dustin very clearly told the medical staff that it was not an option to let this continue for another hour.  Her heart rate elevated from 70 to 170 and she had to be put on oxygen.  She struggled to breathe throughout this episode and was eventually sedated after I told the medical staff that I had recorded the episode so the psychiatrists could see it.  She is soundly sleeping now and stable. 
     Our meeting with the psychiatry staff lasted about an hour and I showed them several videos that I have recorded over the last several days.  The long and short of it is they feel that Bailey is under such severe and intense stress and anxiety that this is the way her body is handling it.  The good news is they don't feel that it is permanent.  They see an understandably immense fear of death.  They are going to come back tomorrow and speak with her when she is more alert.  They also felt that starting her on some medication for now would be a good idea.  They will start this medicine after they evaluate her tomorrow.  They also agreed that the cath is fine as long as it is medically necessary. 
     I hate to keep asking for more from you but we need prayers that Bailey will feel safe and know she serves a big God that has her in his arms.  We need prayers that the dr who will do the cath will find it medically necessary to do the cath so we don't have to go home unsure that her heart is okay.  That dr is the only one at this point that we have heard voicing concerns about whether it should be done.      
     We are looking forward to a visit from our sweet Maddie tonight.  Please remember her in your prayers as well.  It is difficult for her to be away from us so much during this stressful time and she worries so much about her big sister. . Thank you again for your love and support.  Know that my family is praying blessings on all of you every day. 
In Christ,

I thought I would end this post with some happy pictures to make me and hopefully everyone else smile:)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Needlesticks and Showers

     Today I don't have much to update in the way of new medical answers but being that today was a holiday, we didn't have a lot of doctor traffic.  Last night we had a small episode, but praise God for the first time I was able to make her laugh and she pulled out of it.  Around 4 AM the nurse came in to do a blood draw.  Bailey is pretty used to these but every once in a while we have a really bad experience.  Last night they tried twice in one arm (they couldn't do the right arm because of the medication going through the IV) with no success.  Her arms are so black and blue that they said they needed to try getting blood from her feet.  This is mine ( and Bailey's) least favorite place.  It hurts a lot!  They tried once and still didn't get it so my momma instinct came out and I told them they were done.  This lasted until about 6 AM. 
     Texas Children's has this great team called the vascular team.  Bailey requested they start another IV in the other arm so they could draw blood back from it rather than continue to keep sticking her.  She also requested the Vascular team to do it.  This team comes in and uses a sonogram machine to find a good vein.  Using the picture on the monitor, they give a very small injection of lidocaine to numb the area.  They use the smallest needle made to do this.  Then they use the sonogram machine to stick the IV in and they can see the needle puncture the vein.  All of this is done with almost no pain.  It is awesome!!!
     Bailey had some physical therapy this morning.  Dustin and I have decided you need the patience of Job to do this job with teenagers.  They are not the most enthusiastic about being forced to get out of bed (and yes this includes Bailey).  She was made to get up and actually walked around the hallways with some assistance.  Then she got to take her first shower since we have been here.  It is amazing what that will do for the spirit:)
     She seemed to be fighting the episodes all day today but was really looking forward to some visitors. She spent some time with two of her close girlfriends and had fun taking pictures and just being silly.  Unfortunately had another episode while they were here. When she came out of it (which happened very quickly) she began to cry and apologized over and over again about it happening and her friends leaving. She had a lot of excitement today and is now resting.
      Bailey is also excited because my parents are flying back from California tonight and are coming straight to the hospital. Tomorrow we are looking forward to getting to speak with the doctors and hopefully get a date for the cath. 
      I just want to send some specific thank yous to people who have really touched our hearts during this time. My David family has been so supportive and understanding. I have the best job!!! I also want to say thank you to Grace Crossing, Conroe Church of Christ, Sanger Church of Christ and all the people who have had prayer groups, sent encouraging words and basically have been the face of Christ. We would never make it throught these times without you and our Jesus!!!
In Christ,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Getting Started

     Last Wednesday, I received a call from the school nurse letting me know that Bailey was experiencing blindness in the left eye and heavy feet.  After Dustin and I got there we decided the best option was to call an ambulance because she couldn't walk.  After arriving at the hospital, we noticed that she was highly confused and could not recall basic information like her name or even who Dustin and I were.  After several other tests, they did an EEG which records brainwaves.  Bailey's did not show a seizure but did show slow activity with her brain waves.  We were taken to ICU where she did well and within 24 hours were moved to a normal room on the cardiac floor.  It looked like she had suffered a stroke and they were planning to work on thinning the blood again and sending us home. 
     One problem is Bailey cannot have a MRI which is the test needed to confirm a stroke.  She can only have a CT scan and in our experience strokes for Bailey don't show up for some time on the CT scan.  So as of now, the scan is not confirming another stroke.  When we were moved to a regular room, Bailey complained of intense pain and about midnight she suffered what seems to be another stroke in mine and Dustin's opinion.  Her eyes crossed, she couldn't see, she had drooping on the left side of her face and she only could make sounds.  She was terrified and screamed in incomprehensible sounds for about an hour.  They did another scan and sent her back to ICU.  After 2 doses of morphine, she fell asleep at about 3 am.  The next day she had very limited speech and recognized me and Dustin but really nobody else. 
     I want to respect Bailey's privacy so I am going to describe the next portion carefully and without too much detail.  Bailey told us the next day that she remembered what she was trying to say when we couldn't understand her.  She saw some scary visions that had to do with her own funeral, going through surgery without anesthesia, and talking to my grandmother who is in Heaven.  What she is seeing during these episodes has to do with her own death.  On Friday evening, she experienced another episode like this except this times her screams were understandable.  She cannot hear or see us when this happens and she cannot be snapped out of it.  The ICU staff gave her a sedative and she calmed down after about an hour and a half.  She slept all night and Dustin and I were able to sleep.  The next morning after I returned to her room she started another episode.  The doctors felt it would be the best idea to let it continue until she stopped on her own.  They felt like maybe she needed to work through the episode in order for them to stop.  She screamed for almost 3 hours and they finally decided to give her a medication called Rispiradal (SP?).  This seemed to take care of it and that was the end of it for that day except one small episode that she was able to pull her self out of after a few minutes.  That brings us to today.  She was moved to another unit today called Progressive Care which is an intermittent floor between ICU and a regular room.  She was in good spirits but then again slipped into another episode that lasted about 45 minutes today. 
     The Doctors are stumped about what to do at this point.  We will have some specialist come in on Tuesday to talk to Bailey about what she is seeing and evaluate her.  Many of the Dr's here have said that it is not uncommon for teenagers who have been chronically ill to have things like this happen because of how much stress they undergo during all the medical treatment.  We are praying for answers and for her memory and speech to return to normal.  Neurology is closely monitoring her and we will have a heart cath scheduled when the scheduler comes back in on Tuesday.  She has had some irregular heartbeats and we are hoping the cath will give us some answers about why she has had so many strokes in such a short time. 
     I apologize this is so long, but I wanted to make sure I gave updated and accurate information so you could continue to pray specifically for Bailey.  She talks about how many friends she must have because so many people are praying for her.Bailey has also asked that if friends from school read this they respect her privacy and know this is not anything to joke about.  I will try to update this as new information comes available.  Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.